Pancreatic branches of Splenic artery. The largest of those branches is calledarteria pancreatica magna, its occlusion although rare is tal.Supplies the neck, body & tail of pancreas
Recently, it has been found to contain in its reserve half of thebodys monocytes within the red pulp. These monocytes, upon moving to injured tissue(such as the heart), turn into dendritic cells and macrophages while promoting tissuehealing.
Main article: Splenic disease
In animals
Instead of carrying bile, the pancreatic duct carries the pancreatic fluid produced by theacinar cells (exocrine) of the pancreas. The pancreatic duct runs the length of thepancreas and joins the common bile duct in the head of the pancreas. These ducts join toform the ampulla of Vater which then empties into the duodenum. Flow of pancreaticfluid indicated by dark yellow arrow.
12: DuodenumGrays
The duodenum andpancreas.
Creation of red blood cells. While the bone marrow is the primary site ofhematopoiesis in the adult, the spleen has important hematopoietic functions upuntil the fifth month of gestation. After birth, erythropoietic functions cease,except in some hematologic disorders. As a major lymphoid organ and a centralplayer in the reticuloendothelial system, the spleen retains the ability to producelymphocytes and, as such, remains an hematopoietic organ.
) is an organ found in virtually all vertebrateanimals with important roles in regard to red blood cells and the immune system.
The spleen also helps the body fight infection. The spleen contains lymphocytes andanother kind of white blood cell calledmacrophages, which engulf and destroy bacteria,dead tissue, and foreign matter and remove them from the blood passing through thespleen.
Main article: Endocrine pancreas
One of the lymphatic systems major jobs is to collect extra lymph fluid from body tissuesand return it to the blood. This process is important because water, proteins, and othersubstances are continuously leaking out of tiny blood capillaries into the surroundingbody tissues. If the lymphatic system didnt drain the excess fluid from the tissues, thelymph fluid would build up in the bodys tissues and they would swell.
Pancreas Function
In French, splntique refers to a state of pensive sadness or melancholy. It has beenpopularized by the poet Charles Baudelaire (18211867) but was already used before inparticular to the Romantic literature (18th century). The word for the organ is la rate.The connection betweenspleen(the organ) andmelancholy(the temperament) comesfrom the humoral medicine of the ancient Greeks. One of the humours (body fluid) wasthe black bile, secreted by the spleen organ and associated with melancholy. In contrast,tBluish-white cartilagenous tumor Pancreas and Spleenhe Talmud (tractate Berachoth 61b) refers to the spleen as the organ of laughter whilepossibly suggesting a link with the humoral view of the organ. In the eighteenth- andnineteenth-century England, women in bad humour were said to be afflicted by thespleen, or the vapours of the spleen. In modern English, to vent ones spleen means tovent ones anger, e.g. by shouting, and can be applied to both males and females.
Section of the spleen,showing thetermination of thesmall blood vessels.
The spleen also plays a part in Western/American humor, a joke being Aaaah! Myspleen! shouted by somebody being attacked/hurt. This is a recurring joke in theAmerican comic Brewster Rockitwhenever the character Winky is sent out to fight amonster he is always hurt and always screams Aaaah! My spleen! or such variations ofthe phrase.
In reptiles, birds, and mammals, white pulp is always relatively plentiful, and in the lattertwo groups, the spleen is typically rounded, although it adjusts its shape somewhat to thearrangement of the surrounding organs. In the great majority of vertebrates, the spleencontinues to produce red blood cells throughout life; it is only in mammals that thisfunction is lost in the adult. Many mammals possess tiny spleen-like structures known ashaemal nodesthroughout the body, which presumably have the same function as thespleen proper.
The food, bile and pancreatic fluid travels through many more feet of continuous intestineincluding the rest of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum which comprise the smallintestine, then through the cecum, large intestine, rectum, and anal canal
its branches; the
Lymphomas.These cancers start in the lymph nodes when lymphocytes undergochanges and start to multiply out of control. The lymph nodes swell, and thecancer cells crowd out healthy cells and may cause tumors (solid growths) inother parts of the body.
The spleens of aquatic mammals are in some ways dissimilar to those offully land dwelling mammals. In general the spleens of aquatic mammals are bluish incolour. In cetaceans and manatees it tends to be quite small, but in deep diving pinnipedsit can be quite massive, owing to its function of storing red blood cells.
Transverse section ofthe human spleen,showing thedistribution of thesplenic artery and itsbranches.
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Lymph fluid drains into lymph capillaries, which are tiny vessels. The fluid is thenpushed along through the capillaries when a person breathes or the muscles contract. Thelymph capillaries are very thin, and they have many tiny openings that allow gases,water, and nutrients to pass through to the surrounding cells, nourishing them and takingaway waste products. When lymph fluid leaks through in this way it is calledinterstitialfluid.
The celiac artery and
Islets ofLangerhansThese are the endocrine (endo= within) cells of the pancreas that produceand secrete hormones into the bloodstream. The pancreatic hormones,insulin and glucagon, work together to maintain the proper level of sugar inthe blood. The sugar, glucose, is used by the body for energy.
peritoneum removed.
Transverse sectionthrough the middle ofthe first lumbarvertebra.
The pancreas forms from the embryonic foregut and is therefore of endodermal origin.Pancreatic development begins the formation of a ventral and dorsal anlage (or buds).
Composed of nodules, called Malpighiancorpuscles. These are composed of:
Fighting Infection
The lymphatic system also helps defend the body against germs like viruses, bacteria, andfungi that can cause illnesses. Those germs are filtered out in thelymph nodes, which aresmall masses of tissue located along the network of lymph vessels. The nodes houselymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. Some of those lymphocytes makeantibodies,special proteins that fight off germs and stop infections from spreading by trappingdisease-causing germs and destroying them.
The duodenum andpancreas.
The pancreas is located deep in the abdomen, sandwiched between the stomach and thespine. It lies partially behind the stomach. The other part is nestled in the curve of theduodenum (small intestine). To visualize the position of the pancreas, try this: Touch thethumb and pinkie finger of your right hand together, keeping the other three fingerstogether and straight. Then, place your hand in the center of your belly just below yourlower ribs with your fingers pointing to the left. Your hand will be at the approximatelevel of your pancreas.
The lymphatic system is made up of a network oflymphatic vessels. These vessels carrylymph a clear, watery fluid containing protein molecules, salts, glucose, urea, andother substances throughout the body.
The Bluish-white cartilagenous tumoraverage weight of an adult spleen is 0.44 lbs. During and after digestion, thesize of the spleen increases. Infection of malaria or mono can also cause the spleento increase in size.
Inhumans, it is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. It removes old red bloodcells and holds a reserve of blood in case of hemorrhagic shock while also recycling iron.
Basic Anatomy
It synthesizes antibodies in its white pulp and removes antibody-coated bacteria alongwith antibody-coated blood cells by way of blood and lymph node circulation. The spleenis purple and gray.
Yes. If the spleen is ruptured, it can be removed. The spleen can also be removedbecause of certain kinds of cancers.
One of the major lymphatic vessels is thethoracic duct, which begins near the lower partof the spine and collects lymph from the pelvis, abdomen, and lower chest. The thoracicduct runs up through the chest and empties into the blood through a large vein near theleft side of the neck. Theright lymphatic ductis the other major lymphatic vessel. Itcollects lymph from the right side of the neck, chest, and arm, and empties into a largevein near the right side of the neck.
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery from superior mesenteric arteryBoth run in the groove between the pancreas & duodenum & supply the head of pancreas.
Dog pancreasmagnified 100 times.
Thepancreasis a gland organ in the digestive and endocrine system of vertebrates. It isboth an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin,glucagon, and somatostatin, as well as an exocrine gland, secreting pancreatic juicecontaining digestive enzymes that pass to the small intestine. These enzymes help tofurther breakdown the carbohydrates, protein, and t in the chyme.
Lymph vessels collect the interstitial fluid and then return it to the bloodstream byemptying it into large veins in the upper chest, near the neck.
Where is the Spleen located?
As pancreatic juices are made, they flow into the main pancreatic duct. This duct joinsthe common bile duct, which connects the pancreas to the liver and the gallbladder. Thecommon bile duct, which carries bile (a fluid that helps digest t), connects to the smallintestine near the stomach.
Splenomegaly(enlarged spleen). In someone who is healthy, the spleen is usuallysmall enough that it cant be felt when you press on the abdomen. But certaindiseases can cause the spleen to swell to several times its normal size. Mostcommonly, this is due to a viral infection, such as mononucleosis. But in somecases, more serious diseases such as cancer can cause the spleen to expand.
subject 251 1199Dorlands/ElsevierPancreas
The spleen is part of the lymphatic system.
The pancreas can also be thought of as having different functional components, theendocrine and exocrine parts. Tumors can arise in either part. However, the vast majorityarise in the exocrine (also called non-endocrine) part. Since the parts have differentnormal functions, when tumors interfere with these functions, different kinds ofsymptoms will occur.
The pancreas makes pancreatic juices and hormones, including insulin. The pancreaticjuices are enzymes that help digest food in the small intestine. Insulin controls theamount of sugar in the blood.
Similarly, the English term splenetic is used to describe a person in a foul mood.
11: Tail of pancreas
Additional images
Can the Spleen be removed?
increased susceptibility to infection by bacteria and protozoa; in particular, thereis an increased risk of sepsis from polysaccharide encapsulated bacteria.
Your doctor will probably refer to different parts of the pancreas when discussing yoursituation. The part of the pancreas that a tumor arises in will effect how it is treated. Fordescriptive purposes, there are two ways the pancreas is divided into parts: by parts of theoverall shape and by the function of its cells.Fig. 1-2
Pancreatic cancer, particularly cancers of the exocrine pancreas remain one of the mostdeadly cancers, and the mortality rate is very high.
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Islets ofLangerhansLightly staining, large,spherical clustersHormone production and secretion(endocrine pancreas)
The lymphatic system is an extensive drainage network that helps keep bodily fluid levelsin balance and defends the body against infections.
increases stimulation of alphacells and beta cells
The spleen is unique in respect to its development within the gut. While most of the gutviscera are endodermally derived (with the exception of the neural-crest derivedsuprarenal gland), the spleen is derived from mesenchymal tissue.
Pancreatic aciniDarker staining, small, berrylike clustersDigestive enzyme production andsecretion (exocrine pancreas)
1: Head of pancreas
Sympathetic(adrenergic)Parasympathetic(muscarinic)2: decreases secretion from beta cells, increasessecretion from alpha cellsM3
headin the curve of the duodenum which forms an impression in the side of thegland.neckThe thin section between the head and the body of the gland.The middle part of gland between the neck and the tail. The superiormesenteric blood vessels run behind this part of the gland.tailThe thin tip of gland in the left part of abdomen in close proximity with thespleen.
The pancreas is made up of glandular tissue and a system of ducts. The main duct is thepancreatic duct which runs the length of the pancreas. It drains the pancreatic fluid fromthe gland and carries it to the duodenum. The main duct is about one-sixteenth of an inchin diameter and has many small side branches. The pancreatic duct merges with the bileduct to form the ampulla of Vater (a widening of the duct just before it enters theduodenum.)
Spleen and Lymphatic System
Differentiation of cells of the pancreas proceeds through two different pathways,corresponding to the dual endocrine and exocrine functions of the pancreas. In progenitorcells of the exocrine pancreas, important molecules that induce differentiation includefollistatin, fibroblast growth ctors, and activation of the Notch receptor system.
Differential rotation and fusion of the ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds results in theformation of the definitive pancreas.
FROM: fish-shaped spongy grayish-pink organ about 6 inches (15 cm) long thatstretches across the back of the abdomen, behind the stomach. The head of the pancreasis on the right side of the abdomen and is connected to the duodenum (the first section ofthe small intestine). The narrow end of the pancreas, called the tail, extends to the leftside of the body.
Lymph fluid enters the lymph nodes, where macrophages fight off foreign bodies likebacteria, removing them from the bloodstream. After these substances have been filteredout, the lymph fluid leaves the lymph nodes and returns to the veins, where it re-entersthe bloodstream.
Progenitor cells of the endocrine pancreas arise from cells of the protodifferentiated stageof the exocrine pancreas.
Storage of half the bodys monocytes so that upon injury they can migrate to theinjured tissue and transform into dendritic cells and macrophages and so assistwound healing.
Certain diseases can affect the lymph nodes, the spleen, or the collections of lymphoidtissue in certain areas of the body.
What is the pancreas?
If you have an enlarged spleen, your doctor will probably tell you to avoid contact sportslike football for a while. If youre hit, the swollen spleen is vulnerable to rupturing(bursting). And if it ruptures, it can cause a huge amount of blood to be lost.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Where is the pancreas?
Lymphadenitis.Also called adenitis, this inflammation of the lymph node iscaused by an infection of the tissue in the node. The infection can cause the skinoverlying the lymph node to swell, redden, and feel warm and tender to the touch.It usually affects the lymph nodes in the neck and is often caused by a bacterialinfection that can be easily treated with an antibiotic.
2: Uncinate process of pancreas
In English the wordspleenwas customary during the period of the 18th century. Authorslike Richard Blackmore or George Cheyne employed it to characterize thehypocondriacal and hysterical affections.
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What is pancreatic fluid?
The islets are a compact collection of endocrine cells arranged in clusters and cords andare crisscrossed by a dense network of capillaries. The capillaries of the islets are lined bylayers of endocrine cells in direct contact with vessels, and most endocrine cells are indirect contact with blood vessels, by either cytoplasmic processes or by direct apposition.According to the volumeThe Body,by Alan E. Nourse,
The spleen helps control the amount of blood and blood cells that circulate through thebody and helps destroy damaged cells.
If the increase in size is significant, the spleen can rupture. If the spleen ruptures,immediate medical care is necessary. You may need emergency surgery to controlthe bleeding.
The part of the pancreas with endocrine function is made up of approximately a million
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Etymology and cultural views
The pancreas receives regulatory innervation via hormones in the blood and through theautonomic nervous system. These two inputs regulate the secretory activity of thepancreas.
•The second track on Weird Al Yankovics album, Straight Outta Lynwood,entitled Pancreas, centers around the pancreas and lists a summary of itsfunctions.
cell clusters called islets of Langerhans. Four main cell types exist in the islets. They arerelatively difficult to distinguish using standard staining techniques, but they can beclassified by their secretion: cells secrete glucagon (increase Glucose in blood), cellssecrete insulin (decrease Glucose in blood), cells secrete somatostatin (regulates/stops and cells), and PP cells secrete pancreatic polypeptide.
Lymphadenopathy.This is a condition where the lymph nodes become swollenor enlarged, usually because of a nearby infection. Swollen lymph nodes in theneck, for example, can be caused by a throat infection. Once the infection istreated, the swelling usually goes away. If several lymph node groups throughoutthe body are swollen, that can indicate a more serious disease that needs furtherinvestigation by a doctor.
The lymphatic system is a network of very small tubes (vessels) that drain lymph fluidfrom all over the body. The major parts of the lymph tissue are located in the bonemarrow, spleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes, and the tonsils. The heart, lungs, intestines,liver, and skin also contain lymphatic tissue.
Lightly staining clusters of cells are called islets of Langerhans,which produce hormones that underlie the endocrine functions of the pancreas. Darkerstaining cells form acini connected to ducts. Acinar cells belong to the exocrine pancreasand secrete digestive enzymes into the gut via a system of ducts.
Bluish-white cartilagenous tumor Pancreas and Spleen,
Horizontal dispositionof the peritoneum inthe upper part of theabdomen.
It is one of the centers of activity of the reticuloendothelial system and canbe considered analogous to a large lymph node, as its absence leads to a predispositiontoward certain infections.
Because of the pancreas deep location, tumors are rarely palpable (able to be felt bypressing on the abdomen.) It also explains why many symptoms of pancreatic canceroften do not appear until the tumor grows large enough to interfere with the function ofnearby structures such as the stomach, duodenum, liver, or gallbladder.
Variation among vertebrates
The chemicals that the exocrine cells produce are called enzymes. They aresecreted in the duodenum where they assist in the digestion of food.
The spleen is located in the upper left part of the abdomen under the ribcage. It works aspart of the lymphatic system to protect the body, clearing worn-out red blood cells andother foreign bodies from the bloodstream to help fight off infection.
It lies in the epigastrium & left hypochondrium areas of the abdomen
Diabetes mellitus type 1 is a chronic autoimmune disorder in which the immune systemattacks the insulin-secreting cells in the pancreas.
Other diseases that causes enlargement of the spleen are: rheumatoid arthritis,systemic lupus, sickle cell anemia, leukemia, lymphoma.
The Pancreas in Popular Culture
Pancreatic tissue is present in all vertebrate species, but its precise form and arrangementvaries widely. There may be up to three separate pancreases, two of which arise fromventral buds, and the other dorsally. In most species (including humans), these fuse in theadult, but there are several exceptions. Even when a single pancreas is present, two orthree pancreatic ducts may persist, each draining separately into the duodenum (orequivalent part of the hindgut). Birds, for example, typically have three such ducts.
Back of lumbarregion, showingsuce markings forkidneys, ureters, andspleen.
Digestive organs.
Food is carried from the mouth to the stomach by the esophagus. This tube descends fromthe mouth and through an opening in the diaphragm. (The diaphragm is a dome shapedmuscle that separates the lungs and heart from the abdomen and assists in breathing.)Immediately after passing through the diaphragms opening, the esophagus empties intothe stomach where acids that break down the food are produced. From the stomach, thefood flows directly into the first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum. It is herein the duodenum that bile and pancreatic fluids enter the digestive system.
•Tonsillitis.Tonsillitis is caused by an infection of the tonsils, the lymphoidtissues in the back of the mouth at the top of the throat that normally help to filterout bacteria. When the tonsils are infected, they become swollen and inflamed,and can cause a sore throat, fever, and difficulty swallowing. The infection canalso spread to the throat and surrounding areas, causing pain and inflammation.Someone with repeated tonsil infections may need to have them removed in aprocedure called a tonsillectomy.
The only vertebrates lacking a spleen are the lampreys and hagfishes. Even in theseanimals, there is a diffuse layer of haematopoeitic tissue within the gut wall, which has asimilar structure to red pulp, and is presumably homologous with the spleen of highervertebrates.
The spleen, in healthy adult humans, is approximately 11 centimetres (4.3 in) in length. Itusually weighs 200 grams (7.1 oz) and lies beneath the 9th to the 12th thoracic ribs.
When a person has an infection, germs collect in the lymph nodes. If the throat isinfected, for example, the lymph nodes of the neck may swell. Thats why doctors checkfor swollen lymph nodes (sometime called swollen glands but theyre actually lymphnodes) in the neck when your throat is infected.
In teleosts, and a few other species (such as rabbits), there is no discrete pancreas at all,with pancreatic tissue being distributed diffusely across the mesentery and even withinother nearby organs, such as the liver or spleen. In a few teleost species, the endocrinetissue has fused to form a distinct gland within the abdominal cavity, but otherwise it isdistributed amongst the exocrine components. The most primitive arrangement, however,appears to be that of lampreys and lungfish, in which pancreatic tissue is found as anumber of discrete nodules within the wall of the gut itself, with the exocrine portionsbeing little different from other glandular structures of the intestine.
Under the influence of neurogenin-3 and Isl-1, but in theabsence of Notch receptor signaling, these cells differentiate to form two lines ofcommitted endocrine precursor cells. The first line, under the direction of Pax-0, forms and - cells, which produce the peptides glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide,respectively. The second line, influenced by Pax-6, produces - and -cells, which secreteinsulin and somatostatin, respectively.
The spleen is shaped like a loose fist and is tucked under the left side of thediaphragm.
The Shape of the Pancreas
Insulin and glucagon can be detected in the fetal circulation by the fourth or fifth monthof fetal development.
redpulpMechanical filtration of red bloodcells. Reserve of monocytes
Fig. 1-1
uncinateprocessThe part of the gland that bends backwards and underneath the body of thepancreas. Two very important blood vessels, the superior mesenteric arteryand vein cross in front of the uncinate process.
A answer is that the pancreas is an oblong flattened gland located deep in theabdomen. Most people dont know as much about the pancreas as they do about otherparts of their bodies. In ct, this gland is an integral part of the digestive system thatoften goes unnoticed until problems occur. If you are concerned about pancreas cancer,you will want a lot more information.
The wordspleencomes from the Greek ή, and is the idiomatic equivalent of theheart in English, i.e. to be good-spleened (ὔς) means to be good-hearted orcompassionate.
Development of the exocrine acini progresses through three successive stages. Theseinclude the predifferentiated, protodifferentiated, and differentiated stages, whichcorrespond to undetectable, low, and high levels of digestive enzyme activity,respectively.
As the duodenum rotates to the right, it carrieswith it the ventral pancreatic bud and common bile duct. Upon reaching its finaldestination, the ventral pancreatic bud fuses with the much larger dorsal pancreatic bud.At this point of fusion, the main ducts of the ventral and dorsal pancreatic buds fuse,forming the duct of Wirsung, the main pancreatic duct.
4: Body of pancreas5: Anterior suce of pancreas6: Inferior suce of pancreas7: Superior margin of pancreas8: Anterior margin of pancreas9: Inferior margin of pancreas
The germinal centers are supplied by arterioles calledpenicilliary radicles.
Transverse section ofthe spleen, showingthe trabecular tissueand the splenic veinand its tributaries.
Bile is a greenish-yellow fluid that aids in the digestion of ts. After being produced bycells in the liver, the bile travels down through the bile ducts which merge with the cysticduct to form the common bile duct. The cystic duct runs to the gallbladder, a small pouchnestled underneath the liver. The gallbladder stores extra bile until needed. The commonbile duct actually enters the head of the pancreas and joins the pancreatic duct to form theampulla of Vater which then empties into the duodenum. Flow of bile indicated by greenarrows.
The pancreas is a dual-function gland, having features of both endocrine and exocrineglands.
What function does the pancreas serve?
[citation needed]
Each structure communicates with the foregut through a duct. The ventral pancreatic budbecomes the head and uncinate process, and comes from the hepatic diverticulum.
In cartilagenous and ray-finned fish the spleen is normally a somewhat elongated organ,consisting primarily of red pulp, with only a small amount of white pulp. In lungfish, thespleen is not a distinct organ as it actually lies inside the serosal lining of the intestine. Inmany amphibians, especially frogs, it takes on the more rounded form and there is often agreater quantity of white pulp.
The pancreas is an integral part of the digestive system. The flow of the digestive systemis often altered during the surgical treatment of pancreatic cancer. Therefore it is helpfulto review the normal flow of food before reading about surgical treatment.
It consists of:
Carrying Away Waste
duodenum, pancreas,and kidneys.
Lymphatics ofstomach, etc. Thestomach has beenturned upward.
Because the pancreas is a storage depot for digestive enzymes, injury to the pancreas ispotentially very dangerous. A puncture of the pancreas generally requires prompt andexperienced medical intervention.
Lymph nodes are round or kidney shaped. They can be up to 1 inch in diameter. Most ofthe lymph nodes are found in clusters in the neck, armpit, and groin area. Nodes are alsolocated along the lymphatic pathways in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis, where they filterthe blood. Inside the lymph nodes, lymphocytes calledT-cellsandB-cellshelp the bodyfight infection. Lymphatic tissue is also scattered throughout the body in different majororgans and in and around the gastrointestinal tract.
Why Are the Spleen and Lymphatic System Necessary?
The spleen is located in the upper-left part of your abdomen. It is protected by yourrib cage.
What is the Spleen?
Disorders include splenomegaly, where the spleen is enlarged for various reasons, andasplenia, where the spleen is not present or functions abnormally.
Parts of Pancreas
3: Pancreatic notch
How A Healthy Lymph System Typically Works
Main article: Pancreatic disease
Transverse sectionthrough the middle ofthe first lumbarvertebra, showing therelations of thepancreas.
A 28-year follow up of 740 veterans of World War II found that those who had beensplenectomised showed a significant excess of mortality from pneumonia (6 from anexpected 1.3) and a significant excess of mortality from ischaemic heart disease (4.1 froman expected 3) but not from other conditions.
whitepulpActive immune response throughhumoral and cell-mediatedpathways.
What is bile?
Lymphatic systemFROM:
the islets are busilymanucturing their hormone and generally disregarding the pancreatic cells all aroundthem, as though they were located in some completely different part of the body.
Things That Can Go Wrong With the Lymphatic System
stomach has been
Like the thymus, the spleen possesses only efferent lymphatic vessels.
Specifically, thespleen forms within, and from, the dorsal mesentery. However, it still shares the sameblood supply the celiac trunk as the foregut organs.
Under a microscope, stained sections of the pancreas reveal two different types ofparenchymal tissue.
The human spleen is an organ that creates lymphocytes for the destruction andrecycling of old red-blood cells. The spleen is also a blood reservoir. It supplies thebody with blood in emergencies such as a bad cut. The spleen is also the locationwhere white blood cells trap organisms.
In Chinese, the spleen (p) counts as the seat of ones temperament and is thought toinfluence the individuals willpower. Analogous to venting ones spleen, isused as an expression for getting angry, although in the view of Traditional ChineseMedicine, the view of does not correspond to the anatomical spleen. is aconceptual functional group that mainly has regards to digestion which, in some scholarsopinions, corresponds to the function of the pancreas.
Schematic illustrating the development of the pancreas from a dorsal and a ventral bud.
The pancreas was first identified for western civilization by Herophilus (335280 BC), aGreek anatomist and surgeon. Only a few hundred years later, Ruphos, another Greekanatomist, gave the pancreas its name. The term pancreas is derived from the Greekᾶ (all, whole), and ές (flesh).
10: Omental tuber
Tail:It is the left end of the pancreas. It lies in contact with the spleen and runs inthe lienorenal ligament
Storage of red blood cells and other formed elements. In horses roughly 30% ofthe red blood cells are stored there. The red blood cells can be released whenneeded.
The spleen joke has also played a part in blonde jokes (usuallyhaving the blonde not know where her spleen is) as well in other humor occurrences.
The pancreas is thus a compound gland. It is compound in the sense that it is composedof both exocrine and endocrine tissues. The exocrine function of the pancreas involvesthe synthesis and secretion of pancreatic juices. The endocrine function resides in themillion or so cellular islands (the islets of Langerhans) embedded between the exocrineunits of the pancreas. Beta cells of the islands secrete insulin, which helps controlcarbohydrate metabolism. Alpha cells of the islets secrete glucagon that counters theaction of insulin.
During maturation the ventral bud flips to the other side of the gut tube (arrow) where ittypically fuses with the dorsal lobe. An additional ventral lobe which usually regressduring development is omitted.
raised and the